Securely authenticate and authorize access for every endpoint device, everywhere, in any environment, at all classification levels, in real time with SelectiveTRUST™

Smart Cybersecurity Solutions

SelectiveTRUST™, our Zero Trust based infrastructure, delivers operational data agility and safe interoperability through security – unlike anything else.

Safely share information between select, trusted devices today.

SelectiveTRUST™ provides real-time data-centric agility and controls that verifiably remove barriers for safe data operations to maximize operational interoperability and capacity to ensure mission success.

Software-defined defense tech such as SelectiveTRUST™ is a critical enabler of multi-domain operations and interoperability among Joint Forces.

SelectiveTRUST™, a patented technology, manages trust relationships among and between select, trusted endpoint devices with real-time validation for every communication/transaction.

It is available NOW to integrate with your current security stack without need for “rip and replace”. Learn more about our solution.

KnectIQ Exhibits at AFCEA TechNet Cyber 2024

June 18th, 2024|

KnectIQ will exhibit at AFCEA TechNet Cyber 2024 hosted by AFCEA International in Baltimore, MD, June 25-27, 2024, at booth #3278. Company leaders are excited to showcase KnectIQ and its novel[...]

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AIS and AFRL Complete T&E of SelectiveTRUST™

June 5th, 2024|

AIS and AFRL Complete T&E of SelectiveTRUST™ KnectIQ achieved another milestone in the continued trajectory of the company's success. Assured Information Security, Inc. (AIS) completed a Testing & Evaluation of[...]

KnectIQ Exhibits at AFCEA WEST 2024

January 30th, 2024|

KnectIQ will exhibit at WEST 2024 hosted by AFCEA International and the U.S. Naval Institute in San Diego, CA, February 13-15, 2024, at booth #3052. Company leaders are excited to showcase KnectIQ and[...]